Exploring the Pros and Cons: Window Grills Inside vs Outside

Exploring the Pros and Cons: Window Grills Inside vs Outside

Certainly, when considering window grills, there are various factors to take into account. Whether to install them inside or outside can significantly impact both the aesthetic and functional aspects of your home. Here’s an exploration of the pros and cons of window grills placed inside and outside:

Window Grills Inside:


  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Window grills on the inside are often considere more aesthetically pleasing as they don’t alter the exterior appearance of the house.
  2. Easier Maintenance: They are generally easier to clean and maintain since they are not exposed to external weather conditions.
  3. Security: Indoor grills can deter break-ins and provide an additional layer of security.
  4. Weather Protection: Grills on the inside are protect from rain and harsh weather conditions, thus increasing their lifespan.


  1. Reduced Visibility: They might obstruct the view, especially if the grills have thick bars, impacting natural light and the outside view.
  2. Installation Complexity: Installing grills inside can be more complex and may require precise measurements to ensure they fit well within the window frame.

Window Grills Outside:


  1. Enhanced Security: Exterior grills act as a visible deterrent to burglars and provide an added layer of security for ground floor or easily accessible windows.
  2. Unobstructed Views: Placing grills outside allows for an unobstructed view from inside the house. Thin or decorative bars can be chosen for minimal interference with the view.
  3. Ventilation: Exterior grills can be designe to allow for proper ventilation while ensuring security, especially if the windows need to kept open.


  1. Aesthetics: Exterior grills can alter the overall look of your home, which might not be desirable for some homeowners, especially if they have an architectural impact.
  2. Maintenance Challenges: Grills outside are more exposed to the elements and can accumulate dirt, rust, or other damages, requiring more frequent maintenance.
  3. Installation Challenges: Improper installation can lead to issues like rusting, especially if not correctly sealed against moisture.
  4. Potential Legal Restrictions: Some areas might have local ordinances or homeowner association rules governing the installation of exterior fixtures, including window grills.

In summary, the choice between window grills inside and outside depends on your specific preferences, security needs, and local regulations. Considering the aesthetic, security, and maintenance aspects can help you make an informed decision based on your individual requirements and priorities.