Planning Your Perfect Food Plot: Explore the Top 5 Planting Options for Success

Planning Your Perfect Food Plot: Explore the Top 5 Planting Options for Success

Creating a successful food plot for wildlife or hunting requires careful planning and selection of the right planting options. The ideal plants for your food plot depend on your goals, location, soil type, and the specific wildlife you’re trying to attract. Here are the top five planting options to consider for a successful food plot:

Clover (White or Red):

  • Benefits: Clover is a versatile and highly attractive food source for deer and other wildlife. It’s rich in protein and nutrients, making it a great choice for deer management.
  • Planting: Clover can thrive in a variety of soil types and climates. It’s best planted in the late summer or early fall for cool-season varieties and in the spring for warm-season varieties. Proper soil preparation and pH adjustment are essential for successful clover plots.


  • Benefits: Soybeans are a high-protein food source preferred by deer, turkeys, and other wildlife. They can provide excellent nutrition for deer during the late summer and fall.
  • Planting: Soybeans are typically plante in the spring, and they require well-drained soil with good fertility. They can be use as both a food source and a screening cover to draw wildlife closer to your hunting area.

Brassicas (Turnips, Radishes, and Rape):

  • Benefits: Brassicas are cool-season crops that provide late-season forage for deer. They are highly palatable and nutritious, making them a valuable option for fall and winter.
  • Planting: Brassicas are usually planted in late summer or early fall, allowing them to mature before cold weather sets in. They grow well in well-drained, fertile soils and can be an essential component of your food plot strategy.

Grain Sorghum (Milo):

  • Benefits: Grain sorghum is a drought-tolerant, heat-resistant crop that attracts deer and game birds like quail and pheasants. It produces both food and cover.
  • Planting: Sorghum is typically plante in the spring in warm climates. It thrives in well-drained soils and can provide excellent late-season hunting opportunities.


  • Benefits: Corn is a high-energy food source for deer and other wildlife. It’s especially effective for hunting because it creates deer traffic patterns and holds deer in the area for extended periods.
  • Planting: Corn is typically plante in the spring, and it requires well-drained, fertile soil with adequate moisture. It’s a favorite for attracting and holding deer during the late season.

Remember that proper soil testing, preparation, and maintenance are critical for the success of your food plot. Additionally, rotating your food plot plantings between cool-season and warm-season options can provide year-round forage for wildlife. Always check local regulations and consider consulting with a wildlife biologist or extension agent for specific recommendations tailored to your region and goals.